Alchemical Acupuncture
What to expect at your initial intake visit.
I will do a detailed health history including reviewing any relevant diagnostic test results, reviewing your general physical function (digestion, sleep, energy, mood etc.) and spiritual/ emotional wellbeing. Based the information I gather from this visit I will put together a comprehensive treatment plan including lifestyle recommendations, nutritional support, referrals to other practitioners as necessary and when appropriate recommendations for herbs and supplements.
How can Acupuncture help support your overall wellness:
Reduces inflammation by reducing pro-inflammatory markers, or proteins, in the body
Releases blockage by releasing areas of block Qi which stimulates organ function and promotes health and well-being.
Improves circulation in the body and improves function where needed.
Balances body chemistry by influencing the body’s biochemical responses via the nervous system.
Decreases pain by acting as a natural analgesic, acupuncture can interrupt pain signaling.
How is Alchemical acupuncture different from regular acupuncture?
Alchemical acupuncture works with subtle energies and configurations as well as higher vibratory rates to clear, open and align for deeper and more profound healing.
The needles are used as an access point or source point to activate energy at a cellular level and unwind patterns that create disease and unrest in the physical and spiritual plans. The combination between the needle placement and the rise in vibration works synergistically to make deeper and more profound shifts.
Sacred Medicine
Energy Medicine
Spiritual Coaching
Sacred Healing/ Energy Medicine sessions incorporate various modalities to transform, transmute and heal all levels; physical/ mental-emotional and spiritual. This is an intuitive organic process of listening to the messages of the individual's body & spirit. The modalities utilized are relaxation techniques, shamanic healing, acupuncture, energy work, and spiritual coaching (counseling). The container is held with a high vibrational field, which helps bring the system back online and bringing the system into optimal flow and balance. This work allows the individual to tap into their deepest innate ability to heal ourselves.
Sessions will include:
Release deep/ old trauma
Release and let go of old limited beliefs and patterns
Help bring light to areas in our lives that are not working
Work with and heal the inner child
Heal deep physical/ emotional pain
Help connect to our higher self and inner compass
Enable us to tap in to our divine nature
Bring us closer to our spirit guides
Helping to find compassion/ acceptance and love for one’s self
Reconnecting to the Divine
Help us release and disconnect from toxic energies in our space and our lives.
Enable us to regain our deep reservoir of power and light.
Helping find our true purpose and truth
Virtual Healing
Sacred Medicine
Energy Medicine
Spiritual Coaching
This is for those who are looking to deepen their connection to spirit and allow for more peace and grounding in their lives. This work helps individuals access their guidance and direction from spirit guides and their higher self. It is an intuitive energy healing that can be done anywhere in the world. This work can help unwind and heal old wounds and traumas, unwinding habits and patterns that keep us stuck in our old ways of being. Intuitive healing that can help facilitate understanding one’s life purpose and aligning their life, so that they can live a fuller and more meaningful life.
Sessions will include:
Release deep/ old trauma
Release and let go of old limiting beliefs and patterns
Help bring light to areas in our lives that are not working
Work with and heal the inner child
Heal deep physical/ emotional pain
Help connect to our higher self and inner compass
Enable us to tap into our divine nature
Bring us closer to our spirit guides
Helping to find compassion/ acceptance and love for one’s self
Reconnecting to the Divine
Help us release and disconnect from toxic energies in our space and our lives.
Enable us to regain our deep reservoir of power and light.
Helping find our true purpose and truth