Acupuncture and Chinese medicine help balance the hormones and increase fertility. It helps those working with Assisted Reproductive Therapies such as IVF & IUI, as well as, those trying to conceive naturally. I have been helping woman build their families for 20 years and it brings me great joy.
Benefits of using Traditional Chinese Medicine in conjunction with Assisted Reproductive Therapies IUI/ IVF:
Stress reduction, relaxation
Regulates hormones for better quality egg production
Improves ovarian function, more follicles, better egg production
Improves ovarian blood flow, increasing ovarian response
Strengthens the immune system
Increases blood flow to the uterus, improving the endometrial lining
Improves sperm count, motility, morphology
Lessens side effects from hormonal treatment
Decreases uterine contractility at implantation
Decreases the chance of miscarriage
I highly recommend that if possible individuals begin treatments 2-3 months prior to beginning their ART cycle for best results. I will devise a treatment plan that includes Acupuncture, nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes and herbs when appropriate.
Women's Health & Hormones
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work to bring the body & endocrine system back into balance. Working with the underlying patterns presented I help woman to bring their periods back into rhythm and diminish symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause.
Acupuncture is very helpful in supporting a healthy pregnancy and preparing the mind/body & spirit for birth. It can help with mood swings, aches and pains, headaches, fatigue, restless legs and reduction in stress.
Mood Imbalances
Acupuncture works to boost your mood and elevate anxiety. Balancing and releasing energies that can keep us stuck in old patterns.
Sleep Disorders
I can help you trouble shoot your sleep challenges from insomnia to restless leg syndrome.
Fatigue / Long Covid
Fatigue is a modern day challenge for so many. I look at this imbalance through the lens of western and eastern medicine and do my best to address the root cause. Western scientists are looking at different supplements that help support the mitochondria (energy center of the cell) to support long covid symptoms. There are also varies Chinese Herbs that help strengthen the system.
Acupuncture’s effects on pain have been researched for many years and it is clear that it helps to diminish and even eliminate pain. Some of the most common conditions that I see in my clinic are headaches, migraines, low back pain, upper back pain, neck pain, knee pain, elbow pain and menstrual pain.
Gastrointestinal conditions
GI health is critical for our overall wellness. I can help to identify the best strategies for creating a healthy biome environment.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help give your immune system a boost, so that you can head into flu/ cold season with confidence.
Spiritual Growth
I can help you on our spiritual path where ever you are in the process. We can identify areas in your life that may be keeping you stuck or disconnected from the Divine. Cultivating more space and ultimate freedom as you release old stories and patterns, so that you can live in your truth.